
Life and such.

Things have truly been wonderful lately. It is so amazing what can happen when one aspect of your life, such as your health, is a non-issue in your daily life. I no longer wake up and wait around wondering what kind of day I am going to have. I don't have to sip on my coffee for two hours in the morning debating if I should leave the house and do something with my day. I can wake up and confidently proceed with my day without a fraction of the worry I am used to. I feel like once one part of your life improves, everything else falls into place and you start seeing other aspects of life in a new, positive light.

This, of course, means I am getting a little antsy. I have a lot of energy that I've been burning on exercise and just being outside. I find it hard to sit still at all. I haven't actually sat down and watched television in the longest time. There's just too many places I want to be and too many things I want to do. Nothing is mapped out for me and I am free to let my mood carry me wherever it wants to.

My time lately is consumed with being outdoors, going to Phillies games, being with friends and family, eating good food, reading, thinking about the future, and drinking not-so-good beer. With all of this increased activity, I've actually been having problems with my ostomy. Exercise, sweating, and this ridiculous summer heat have me a bit frustrated with how often I now I have to attend to my little buddy Steve. In addition, now that most of my output is out of my ostomy rather than my behind, the increased traffic certainly has an effect on how often it needs to be emptied and changed. I did have an "incident" at the Phillies game last week and I had to leave after 2 innings, but I was with the right person and after a few tears were shed and a few "F Bombs" directed towards Crohn's and my ostomy, I was over it.

Now I won't be going back to Maryland this week for a follow-up like I originally thought. They actually moved my appointment to mid-July on the same day I'll get my next Remicade infusion. That way I don't have to make two separate trips. This works out GREAT because I will be traveling to Maryland next weekend to see one of my dearest friends, Natalie, who will be home from England. Certainly two trips down there in one week would have been rough, so I'm glad they moved it. Once again, it's the little things this practice in Maryland does for me that make me feel like they genuinely care about my well being and take into consideration that I live 2 hours away.

Anyway, I also need to direct you all to an amazing site one of my Crohn's buddies directed me towards called uncoverostomy.com. She blogs about everything in her life, not just ostomy-related things. But I think it's pretty inspirational that a young female can be so open and comfortable with her body. Check it out if you wish.

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